

Reiki is a relaxing & rejuvenating healing practice where the energy worker uses her hands to channel Light, Divine Love, or Universal Life Force / Prana to the energetic body of the receiver. This infusion of Light energy helps the person clear energetic blocks, heal deep wounds and regenerate their whole being. Reiki can be very powerful when navigating physical pain or general ailments. It can help the receiver connect with the source of the pain, as well as soothe the body while healing takes place. Reiki can also help with chakra alignment, as well as clearing negative energies that are not part of the person’s essence. Additionally this powerful energy can help the person connect with the true self, their soul purpose and their full being, especially in times when the person has strayed from their true path.

ABOUT TATI RABELL - Reiki Master Teacher & Shamanic Healer


Shamanic Healing: SOUL RETRIEVAL

In times of trauma or abuse, our soul can leave our body to avoid feeling the full impact of the pain. When this happens, healing work must take place to help the person re-integrate any lost parts of the soul back into the person’s energy body. Sometimes, when healing has not properly taken place, a soul piece can get lost in a space between worlds (similar to a purgatory of souls), and this can start manifesting in the person’s life in either a physical, emotional or psychological way. Sometimes the person starts feeling that they are no longer the person they used to be before the event. Whether the person is aware of the trauma or not, this event causes a gap in our energetic body, known as soul loss, which can attract multiple kinds of ailments - such as depression, anxiety, autoimmune illnesses, lack of interest in one’s own life, and even entity possessions that can last years. During Soul Retrieval the shamanic healer works within the Spirit world to locate the missing soul piece and, upon ensuring the patient is fully ready to integrate it, to return the piece to the patient’s energetic body. The shamanic healer will commonly find an earlier version of the person in the realm of the unseen, and commune with this being to understand why it left or what it needs in order to come back. Sometimes the piece is ready right away providing only a few directions for the person to integrate with this inner being. Other times, the piece will guide the healer to remove certain energies blocking its re-integration, or to take the person through a shamanic journey to an “inner garden” where the soul piece and the person can come together in preparation for integration. One way or another, the Soul Retrieval session helps the receiver reconnect with this lost piece and work towards reintegrating it in order to regain a feeling of wholeness, purity and Light. 

In the event that the person is not ready to receive the missing piece during the initial session, the healer will work with the person to identify the steps they should take in their daily life in order to prepare for a gradual integration. This scenario, despite not providing an instant resolution, will allow the patient to slowly transform towards a more whole and genuine version of themselves, in order to create a safe environment for the missing soul piece to return to at a later session. Whether it takes one session or more than one, Soul Retrieval will undoubtedly help the person find their path to healing, and to ultimately reconnect with the person they once were before the trauma- their true self. 

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Shamanic Healing: Entity Removal, Energetic Cleanse & Chakra Alignment

Sometimes our body can adopt certain dense energies that do not belong to our essence, and we can carry these parasitic entities with us for a long time without noticing. Symptoms can appear in the form of lethargy, sadness, depression, anger, or sometimes even extremely dark or violent visions that feel as if something external had taken over our subconscious. At times, these energies lodge themselves in a specific area of the body, causing physical ailments in addition to emotional or psychological symptoms. Other times the person can suffer from a mild or severe full possession, often without noticing that many of their usual behaviours are not coming from their true self, often feeling weak or enslaved by what they perceive are mere psychological challenges. 

By working with the spirits, Angels and guides, as well as using aura reading techniques, the healer / shaman identifies these energies and works within the energetic body to remove them. This removal or Soul Liberation will instantly help the person feel more energised, peaceful, hopeful, in control, and more able to continue doing the healing work and the journey into themselves. 

Additionally in other scenarios the energetic body can be plagued by strings or webs created (consciously or unconsciously) by other people - typically past lovers, family members or past life contracts, which the shaman can work to remove. Immediately after the removal the person tends to feel lighter, more free, and “more themselves” than before the session.

As we clear out these foreign energies we are also able to align our chakras & our energetic body in general.

Shamanic Journeying, Guided Meditation & Breathwork

With the use of hand drums, rattles, chanting, or other sound healing instruments, the shamanic healer can help you enter a state of higher consciousness, which calms the mind and allows for deeper energetic work to be received. Combining breath work, guided meditation & journeying, the shaman will also help you explore parts of your memory or subconscious where trauma has been hidden, which combined with energy work such as Soul Retrieval, karmic contract release or extractions, can help release trauma. This can often be a profound emotional experience for the receiver, allowing for a fresh perspective that can help in the process of finally letting go.

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Sound Healing & Medicine Songs

By use of crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, chimes, drums, rattle, chanting, programmed soundscapes, and healing songs (medicine songs), the healer can assist the clearing of dense energies from the person’s field, thus helping restore peace and a sense of wellness. Sound healing is increasingly proving to have a very tangible and measurable effect on our physical body. From pain relief to trauma relief or emotional healing, sound healing is an increasingly tested and effective therapy that can help with all facets of our wellness.

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Space Clearing and Altar Creation

The benefits of Space Clearing and a proper blessed altar are countless. Using Reiki and other magical practices, we will help you clear, build and bless your space, along with helping you create an altar where you can make offerings and focus your intentions & prayers.

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Cacao is a magical ancient medicine from Latin America. Used in ceremonies to promote healing, community building, open-heartedness and wellbeing, cacao can help us connect with our heart and our body at a deeper level. It can be quite an exhilarating experience, as well as a deeply emotional one. come with an open mind and an open heart, and let this beautiful medicine show you what it wants to teach you.. ✨

*Please do not consume coffee within 4 hours of these ceremonies! Cacao and coffee combined can cause nausea or other uncomfortable effects. Additionally not suitable for women who are pregnant, or persons with heart conditions, or taking MAOI medications