Reiki Training & Retreats


One good way to get familiar with Reiki, is to receive a healing!
On the other hand.. if you would like to further your understanding of Reiki and make it part of your own practice, please read on for some key info on my Reiki training courses!

The path of the Reiki student non-coincidentally mirrors a personal healing path. It is important for any healer to first experience deep personal healing in order to better serve those who come to him/her for a session. This journey must be embarked with the utmost devotion, openness and willingness to heal, even if at times this means facing the darkness in yourself. The path of the Reiki healer, much like most spiritual paths, is that of a Light warrior.. valiantly facing the deepest darkest parts of the self, in order to transmute them into light and healing. It is this light and healing energy that then allows us to better serve humanity - as well as enhancing our own life on this Earth ~ by adding magic and lightness to our own life.

In the tradition of Usui Reiki, there is a series of symbols or Kanji, which are ceremonially passed to the student by the process of an attunement. Each level of the training path will provide the student with a set of symbols that correspond to the appropriate steps in the healing journey.


*Private attunements available In-person or Online

  • Level 1 - 111E

    • The activator symbol ("plugs in" the practitioner to the Universal life force / Reiki energy). This symbol additional initiates the healing of the body, connecting us to our full essence here on Earth.

  • Level 2 - 222E

    • The purification symbol for mental & emotional healing and clearings

    • The ability to perform long distance healings

  • Level 3 - 333E

    • Master practitioner Level: Becoming a portal of Light and connecting to your Soul Purpose

  • Level 4 - 333E

    • Master Teacher Level: The ability to attune others & propagate this beautiful lineage by teaching Reiki

*Note, each level course includes lesson, attunement and certificate.  The student will then practice self-healing during 21 days to enable the maximum amount of Reiki energy to flow and purify the student.

 ABOUT TATI RABELL - Reiki Master Teacher & Shamanic Healer


Usui Reiki Training Retreats

The powerful healing properties of Reiki have been recognised all around the world, and can help you transform your life. Libélula Reiki offers Reiki Training retreats in small intimate groups, so that each participant can receive the one-on-one attention that this deep internal work deserves. Please note we have recently moved our retreats to Spain, and are now offering Reiki retreats in the beautiful area surrounding Valencia!


Pricing Range 333€ - 777€
*Pricing dependent on number of days & ceremonies, please Contact Us for inquiries!